Citizen Science and engagement in Cultural Heritage

On the occasion of the important EUROMED 2022 conference in Cyprus, PHOTOCONSORTIUM organized a key event to discuss about citizen science in (digital) cultural heritage and education, also including a special interactive session aiming at engaging professionals with various tools for local citizens and communities connections with their tangible and intangible heritage.

Euromed 2022 was an hybrid event organized by the Cyprus University of Technology under the auspices of the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Cyprus.

More information and proceedings:

7-11 November 2022

Tuesday 8th November 2022 h. 16-18.30 EET / h. 17-19.30 CET

PART 1 – Presentations
Introduction: scope of this workshop
Prof. Fred Truyen, KU Leuven

>> download presentation (PDF)

Showreel of citizen engagement activities with digital cultural heritage: WeAreEuropeForCulture; PAGODE – Europeana China; WEAVE
Dr. Antonella Fresa, Vicepresident of Photoconsortium

>> download presentation (PDF)

CrowdHeritage: a tool to easily enable participation in digital cultural heritage
Spyros Bekiaris, National Technical University of Athens

>> download presentation (PDF)

Citizen science workshops in virtual form: the experience in Sofia and Budapest
Valentina Bachi, Photoconsortium

>> download presentation (PDF)

PART 2 – Interactive session
Moderated by Sofie Taes, KU Leuven

>> download supporting presentation (PDF)

Interactive session, tools experimented

In the Interactive sesssion a number of tools were presented and workshop participants both onsite in Cyprus and online could test them with exercises:

QANDR: a discussion tool that is very easy to use via personal smartphones

Europeana Gallery Builder: a curation tool that enables Europeana users to flag their favourite items and eaasily compile short thematic galleries, that are published on Europeana as user-generated content

MuPoP: a tool to create virtual exhibitions that run on a HDMI screen and can be displayed in any public space, where users with their smartphones can take control of the screen.

CrowdHeritage: an annotation sprint exercise was set up and workshop participants could try enrich metadata of heritage photography collections about the history, heritage and communities in Cyprus. The crowdsourcing campaign is open until 7 December 2022.

Organized in collaboration with

Digital Heritage Research Lab at Cyprus University of Technology

The Digital Heritage Research Lab (DHRLab) was established in 2013 at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Cyprus University of Technology. The lab is devoted to research on the digitisation, documentation, archiving, preservation, protection and promotion of the tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage remains of our past.

The research scientists and doctoral students employed at the lab engage in collaborative research with national and international institutions to explore the latest technological advances in the field, their efficacy, and usefulness to bring cultural heritage information to end-users, obstacles, and prospects for further development. At a European level, the lab collaborates with a network of over 150 key partners from the academic, research and industrial sectors working towards the development of new tools and applications.

DHRLab is hosting the unique UNESCO and European Research Area (ERA) Chairs on Digital Cultural Heritage. It has rapidly achieved world-spectrum of collaborative research projects and has created a remarkable wide research network and an agenda with great potential for future activities (such as the H2020ViMM Manifesto, Roadmap and Action Plan). A few of our latest achievements in the Lab are significant with unique international awards like the EU Best Innovation Award at the Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage, European Commission Research Executive Agency REA: 10 years supporting excellence in science/REA’s life-changing projects and Innovation Radar Capturing and Digitisation technologies in Cultural Heritage.

